Congrats and Welcome to our newest EA, Bro. Richard!Thanks to all those present who took part in the initiation ceremony at Jefferson Masonic Temple in Chicago on Friday, June 24.
Year: 2022
Bowling & Fellowship Outing
On April 30, we organized a fun and fellowship event outside the Lodge walls at Waveland Bowl,3700 N Western Ave, Chicago IL.
OLP: What is it?
OLP stands for Our Lodge Page, a useful modern tech tool that helps to make a positive impact on Membership Retention by making it easy for our Lodge Officers to communicate events and activities and empowering all Brethren to connect with one another using an updated, secure, and private centralized technology platform. Learn all about it by reading this OLP …
The Book of Constitution and ByLaws of the MWGL of IL
As you know, every Master Mason shares the responsibility to learn about and uphold the timeless laws, rules and regulations (and Ancient Usages and Customs) of our ancient and honorable fraternity. Take some time to learn more by reading the Grand Lodge of Illinois Book of Constitution and ByLaws 2021-22. Here are some Success Tips: — Read “The Charges of a Freemason” from …
2022 Installation of Officers
On Sunday, January 30 2022, at Jefferson Masonic Temple in Chicago, a new slate of Lodge Officers was duly installed for the ensuing Masonic year. As we saluted and applauded W. Bro. Brad Johnson for his tenure during a challenging year (see previous post), we welcomed our newly installed W.M. Brett A. Barnes who now sits in the East with …
So long from outgoing W.M. Bro. Brad Johnson
Tonight [Jan. 28, 2022] was my last meeting as Worshipful Master of King Oscar Lodge #855, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois. I’m very grateful to my Officers for their service and I am thankful for the opportunity to be of service to the Lodge. And what’s more, I’m incredibly humbled to have my name appear …
Another Masonic Temple about to be demolished!
Did you hear the latest news about Evanston’s beautiful Masonic Temple being sold because too costly to maintain and renovate? Aren’t you glad we still have our beautiful Jefferson Masonic Temple in Chicago where we can meet for fellowship and perform our rituals?Let’s keep it up and help as you can. It belongs to all of us! When paying your …
Happy St. John’s Day!
On December 27, Freemasons celebrate The Feast of St. John the Evangelist. As we first learned in our 1st Degree lecture, he is one of the two Christian patron saints of modern #Freemasonry. This day also marks the Winter Solstice that happens every year when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, when the …