On January 29, 2023 a new slate of Lodge Officers of KING OSCAR LODGE No. 855 A.F. & A.M. was installed for the ensuing year in which we celebrate 125 years of Masonic light!
In his closing remarks, our outgoing Wors. Master Bro. Brett Barnes presented 2 awards in recognition to their specially dedicated service to the betterment of our Lodge in particular: one to P.M. W. Bro. Craig Stewart and one to our current S.W. Bro. Matt Lozich.
A big thank you goes to the Installing Officers who assisted with the smooth transition:
- Presiding Officer: Bro. Bryan Musicar
- Secretary: W. Bro. Myron Dent Sr.
- Marshal: RW Bro. Eddie Hernandez
- Chaplain + P. Revere Charge: RW Bro. Bill Bussiere
- Senior Deacon: W. Bro. Craig Stewart
- Organist: W. Bro F. Bruno
- Gavel Presentation: IL IORG Grand Worthy Advisor: Miss Nina Hernandez
CONGRATS to all newly installed Lodge Officers who, according to W.M. Bro. Charles Bremner’s remarks are one of the best group of people one could good wish for a successful year!
Enjoy a few pics.