Master Mason of the Year 2024 & WM Recognition

On Jan. 24, a few days before the Installation of Officers of KING OSCAR LODGE No. 855 A.F. & A.M. for the ensuing 2025 masonic year, it was time to recognize two of our most worthy Brothers for their laudable undertakings within our lodge in particular. W.B. Lozich received his embroidered Past Master’s apron and personalized carrying-case and Bro. Richard …

2nd Degree Conferral

On Jan. 24, a few days before the new officers of KING OSCAR LODGE No. 855 A.F. & A.M. would be installed in their respective stations and places, we conferred a 2nd Degree to one of our EAs in waiting to be passed to the FC degree. Congratulations to Bro. Jorge! Thank You to everyone in attendance who assisted and …